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Please Donate!

Your support goes a long way against defeating 
Don Gaetz, father of U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz.

This is the logo for Lisa Newell's campaign for Florida  Senate District 1

Unlike Don Gaetz, I am not a millionaire. I am just a regular person, looking to represent everyday Floridians.


And unlike Don Gaetz, I actually live in District One, where I built my family and give back to my community.

Your donation will go towards helping us pay our qualifying fee and to giving voters a CHOICE this election! Thank you for your support!

Lisa Newell is endorsed by the Florida Environmental Caucus

The Story Behind Lisa Newell for SD1

Hi, I'm Lisa Newell.

I believe we need a strong two-party system. As stone sharpens stone, there should be a competition for ideas that will benefit the people of our area. When I noticed that no one was challenging Don Gaetz for Florida Senate District 1, I watched to see who would step up. No one did. But it continued to nag at me. 

Would we just let Gaetz walk into the senate seat? Continuing the Republican lock on the Florida legislature? Are we really going to allow a gerrymandered supermajority of Republicans (mostly men) decide who is worthy of health care? Give voters no meaningful choice of who to represent them in this election, with no debate, no need to campaign?


This didn't sit well with me. I felt that someone had to run against Don Gaetz. I waited to see if anyone else would do it. I met with several people and even attended a conference in Orlando. Finally, after no one stepped up, I decided that I would put my name on the ballot.



I decided to take a stand for women's rights, advocate for responsible environmental policies, for higher teacher pay, for a more affordable cost of living, demand we lower property insurance rates, and give Floridians someone new to vote for this election. I hope you will join me in my quest, and reach out to let me know how you believe we can put the Florida senate back to work for its residents. After all, we, the voters, are the boss.


Lisa Newell

Publisher, Gulf Breeze News

Candidate, FL Senate District 1

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Gulf Breeze, Florida

©2024 Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Lisa Newell, Democrat for Florida Senate District 1.

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